Deep Learning

 As Fullan states, “sustainability requires continuous improvement, adaptation and collective problemsolving in the face of complex challenges that keep arising”

This just reiterates the importance of collaboration and team work in a safe learning environment for educators and students– making mistakes and discussing them is an important element of moving forward; reflecting and expanding on is for the collective improvement of teaching and learning, not for the punitive centering out of others. For some people – this may be a difficult transition, but with differentiated learning and critical thinking skills such an important aspect of moving students forward, we need to realize that there is often not “one” most effective way to teach subjects like reading, but many pieces that eventually get put together to create a student’s individual puzzle of learning. We all have different strengths and needs, thus what works well for one, may not for another, but understanding and appreciating different strategies will only make teaching practises more effective for all involved.

Leadership plays a huge role in determining how successful deep learning opportunities will be based on the approach they choose to take. Everyone should be able to share ideas without fear of judgement so long as ideas and experiences are connected to issues and shared appropriately. Learning collaboratively is very powerful. We all learn better when we are able to digest ideas and information by discussing and sharing experiences. All experiences and ideas should be openly shared to gain the most valuable learning feedback from. We all need to build relationships with our peers that make us feel safe to discuss things that went well and things that did not. This allows a team to discuss what worked and what didn’t in a reflective format that pushes learning opportunities to the next level. Assessment for learning and data gathered help guide future instruction thus playing a critical role in deep learning. This information becomes valuable as it gives us goals to achieve with our group of students; this also allows us to take a critical look at our teaching practices and improve them through collaborative discussion. We want students to share ideas and be willing to take risks on a daily basis, so we too need to see the purpose of this type of learning. Teachers and students need to feel safe and respected enough to share.
Student engagement and deep learning are interconnected. Deep learning allows students to be partners in learning. Providing relevant and engaging learning opportunities that have a clear purpose and a real life application create motivation that in turn creates success among our students. It is important that students feel they have a “voice” in their own learning. This also gives them opportunty to practise their critical thinking skills first hand. Learning must be  enjoyable and slightly challenging to ensure motivation and engagement.   

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